Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sprint to the Finish

This post goes out to all my friends in the teaching credential program at CSUSM. I want to encourage you right now as you probably are exhausted and feel like you want to tear your hair out. My advice to you is simple. It'll all be over very soon. This year has been incredibly long, you've overcome numerous struggles, and you have put in an inhuman amount of time in learning, lesson planning, and developing yourself into an excellent teacher. In two weeks you will graduate and give a huge sigh of relief. I myself am doing numerous things and have often felt like giving up. Right now I'm sending out applications, finishing up assignments for school, planning lessons, grading papers, trying to find time to eat and sleep, and trying not to completely ignore my wife. This would all seem very overwhelming except for that fact that I finally can see light at the end of the tunnel. Picture these last two weeks like this. You've been running at a steady pace for an insane amount of time. You're on the home stretch with the finish line in sight. Now it's time to pick up the pace, put your head down, and give an all out sprint to the finish. Once you cross that line you can stagger to the ground, lay on your back, and relax with a big smile on your face knowing that you have done something incredible.

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