Instructions: READ Baldwin, Keating, Bachman
(BKB) Ch.7 pgs 164-179 & pgs. 315-326. COMPLETE Activities 7.1 & 7.2,
pgs. 172-173.
Activity 7.1:
For our ITU
(Integrated Thematic Unit), Sam, Kenny and I decided to use the theme of
"rivers." The three different content areas that will be used in this
ITU include Math (Sam), Science (Kenny) and English (me). Sam will explore
ideas like time, distance, and velocity. Kenny will cover river ecology and
geology. I will tie the unit into the text of Huckleberry Finn in which a river
plays a big part both literally and metaphorically. In my section of the ITU I
intend to challenge my students in several areas including textual analysis,
essay response, and vocabulary.
questions that will be asked for this ITU:
- What do rivers represent literally?
- What do rivers represent metaphorically?
- Are rivers important? Why?
- How have rivers changed over time in terms of how we
visualize and represent them?
- How have rivers changed over time in how we use them?
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