Instructions: READ the ITU Overview ppt. As a school team, IDENTIFY a
theme for your ITU and SHARE ideas and a draft for a Cover Sheet with you ITU
As I already stated in my Reading Reflection 1, my group and I have decided
on the theme of "rivers." Please refer to that reflection for
specific on what each of our members will cover. For our ITU coversheet I
envision a cover with the title "Rivers." I also picture e pictures
one above the other. On the top is an image of Huck and Jim floating down a
river. Underneath it will be a picture of the river underneath teaming with
life and showing different sedimentary layers. Below that will be a more
technical graph depicting river flow and depth. My reason for this layout is
that it shows an increasingly in-depth look at the theme of rivers. Students
will peel back the layers and go deeper and deeper exploring different aspects
and perspectives on rivers.
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